Tuesday 21 March 2017

Research and Planning.

Chosen track.

Five Finger Death Punch: Coming Down.

  Analysis of the track.

More Ideas for Music Video.
Me and my partner who I'm working with for this project, went out and walked around in a park on a sunny day and sat on a bench with our headphones in listening to the song we chose at the same time. As a result of this exercise we came up with these extra ideas for our Music Video;
  • Intro - the Main character walking across a field, lip syncing with the music.
  • Music picks up - Scene in the woods where the main character is being beaten to 'death' and literally torn apart
  • When the lyrics are "I pull you under" - The main character literally pulls someone down.
  • Lip Syncing for most of the video.
  • When the music goes quieter - Show the main character drinking and sitting on the floor looking miserable in an alleyway. (Maybe receiving abuse via their phone).
  • Have a photo of the main character and their friend - tear/cut it in half and then burn it.
  • For the scream parts of the song - Have the main character in the mud, throwing it and kicking mud around and punching and hitting trees etc. Being angry and lip syncing.
  • Instrumental part - the Main character writing a suicide note, and finding something to 'do it' with.
  • Main character sitting in solitude, surrounded and tormented by their 'demons'. 
  • When the music dies down - Have the main character show their scars on their arm/s.

Below are some examples of what the band's album covers look like. The one directly below is the album where the song we chose comes from.

As you can see they are very similar in how they look. Such as the colors are all similar with the prominent ones being; Red; Orange; and Black. They also have a cool Rock/Grunge look to them with the involvement of masks, zombies, blood etc. Also, the art style is all the same/similar, relating to/matching the genre of the band.

We also researched the Wikipedia page for the song 'Coming Down' by Five Finger Death Punch (Below). We highlighted the important parts such as the Genre; Length/Pace; Meaning of the song; Who the Band Members are; the Content/Imagery and the Narrative. 

Artists Image and Representation.

As you can see from the video we have chosen and the images below, you can see that Five Finger Death Punch's look is casual and comfortable with a grungey rock/metal theme. It is mostly designed according to the bands 'colours' which is golden/yellow; black; red. As all the group members are males, a lot of the merch some say, is more suited to a male audience. However, there are many female fans who purchase their merchandise. 
Their merchandise ranges from T-Shirts, Jackets, Mugs, Jewelry, Bags etc. often with their CD covers art style/image printed on them. The merchandise, in particular, doesn't actually appear within their videos as most of their videos has a story in which the band is either playing their music wearing their own casual clothes as seen in the image directly below, or they are acting and playing different characters to go with the narrative of their songs. (So they are therefore wearing clothes to suit their individual characters).

Below is a screenshot I took from the Official Five Finger Death Punch website. (Link in-bedded in photo).

Below in a screenshot, I took from the Official Five Finger Death Punch Facebook Page. (Link in-bedded in photo).

Most of Five Finger Death Punch's music videos are created based on the narrative withing the lyrics of the song, and the band often want to give positive, informing and meaningful messages across in their music videos. For example, in their music video for the song 'Wrong Side Of Heaven'. throughout the video, they are giving written messages on how difficult life is for veterans after they have been disbanded from the war. It is an emotional message including real statistics such as how many veterans take their own lives every year etc. It really portrays their struggles in great detail making for a real tear jerking music video. Another example would be the music video we chose called 'Coming Down' which shows how emotional/physical/verbal bullying can lead to severe mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia and many others, and how it can cause people to end their own lives. They make videos with these messages to try and help those in need of it and/or encourage those suffering or affected by the message within the videos to seek help and talk to others about it.

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